How To Change Eye Color in Photoshop | Professionally

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PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL! WRITTEN STEPS How to change color of eyes in Photoshop! professionally easy simple and fast in Photoshop CC and CS6 and all other versions. ► Watch Part 2: Secret Effects | Portrait Editing in Photoshop Tutorial To change eyes color, we'll use Photoshop's hue situation, and we'll create our own custom color! I'll be using Photoshop CC but every step is fully compatible with Photoshop CS6 and with earlier versions of Photoshop. ► SUBSCRIBE to my channel: WHERE ARE THE ASSORTED BRUSHES IN PHOTOSHOP CC 2018? Adobe made changes to the brushes in Photoshop CC 2018. To access the Assorted Brushes, click the menu icon in the Brush Preset picker and choose Legacy Brushes from the bottom of the menu. Click OK to restore the Legacy Brushes, and then scroll down to the bottom of the brushes where you'll find a new "Legacy Brushes" folder. Twirl the folder open to find all of the original brushes from CC 2017 and earlier, including the Assorted Brushes. LEARN MORE: ► VIDEO GUIDE: HOW TO CREATE A Metal TEXT EFFECT IN PHOTOSHOP Step 1: OPEN Photoshop Step 2: open image you want to change color or eyes Step 3: SELECT QUICK SELECTION TOOL Step 4: SELECT EYE BALL Step 5: GO TO REFINE EDGES Step 6: SMOOTH THE SELECTION Step 7: COPY THE LAYER Step 8: GO TO IMAGE | ADJUSTMENT AND SELECT HUE SITUATION Step 9: SELECT COLORS HERE Step 10: CLICK OKAY Step 11: DO THIS WITH OTHER EYE If you enjoyed this video, please Like, Share and Subscribe! ► Click here to SUBSCRIBE: ►• Looking for other tutorial video? don't hesitate to contact us! Multi Art By Laeeq offers Adobe Photoshop tutorials and training designed with beginners in mind, with easy to follow, step by step instructions that make learning Photoshop easy! Subscribe to my channel for my latest Photoshop videos, and be sure to visit my website for hundreds of my written Photoshop tutorials! ► SUBSCRIBE to Multi Art By Laeeq on YouTube: ► Visit my website:



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